Friday, 11 June 2010

Ethical fashion forum

On the 27th of November 2009,The ethical fashion forum was held at the Triangle gallerys. This event was an eye opener. I gained a new understanding concerning the future in fair trade. There were many stalls with amazing new concepts in saving the future generation many of which was not only helping the planet and our resources but helping local familys and supporting the old cultures and techniques.

The Ardalnish Isle of mull Weavers is a organic farm and weaving mill. The company bases there belief on sustainability. The weaving resources are made from un dyed and sometimes naturally dyed wool from the native breeded sheep. The final product Is beautiful tweed fabrics with different patterns and shades. Many of these fabrics and turned into throws, scarves, shawls and floor mats. This independent company is based around the idea of tradition unlike many of the other stalls based in small community's in India, africa etc. This company is a fine example of running a company and producing fabrics in the most considerate, resourceful manner.

A comparison to this company would be an organisation based in Brick Lane called ''Heba Womend's Project''. with the intentions to help women and familys. Originally the group was set up because womens rights to funding had been blocked due too men on the Board of Bethnal Green City
After pursuading BGCC They managed to set up a project teaching English to local women in order to work and communicate.
''Heba'' meaning talent in Arabic represents what the project is about, providing women from diverse backgrounds and teaching an developing new skill and design ideas. This organisation is a good comparision in the the fact both company's are working in a considerate and honest way.

What was interesting was the approach in which the companys went through to interest the customers.They did this by advertising there works in a fashionable manner,trying to get away from the idea of hippie oraganic approach which does not appeal to the younger generation. In conclusion the Ethnic Fashion forum is a great place for the young generation to understand and learn sustainability.

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