Saturday, 12 June 2010

12 febuary Chris Ofili

Chris Ofili's exhibition was very interesting, My first thing that stood out to me when i walked in was the bright colours. His works ranged from explicit, and childish to dark piece. Spread out between seven rooms I learnt about his paintings and what they represent. I wouldn't normally approach theses type of works but after learning about what they symbolise I have grown more interest to this artist.

A piece that especially caught my eye was the the piece ''no women no cry''. The painting is a tribute to Stephen Lawrence a London teenager who was murdered by a racist gang, the message behind the painting is based on a racial murder case . He has painted the mother with tears rolling down her cheek, Inside the tears are cut outs of the her son. I find this piece to be very delicate with a sensitive , political message behind it . His use of colour's are not over worked unlike some of his other works.

Walking through the exhibition I came across a dark alley walkway, which lead to a very interesting with dim lightened room.
Here Ofili had propped up his paintings across the wall. Great paintings, which test colour on colour, has used bright colours but has made the paintings but has still obtained the delicate paintings they are.

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